Droit administratif

Administrative, public and constitutional law

  • Civil service

The members of the team assist the administrative authorities or the civil servants in all the aspects of Civil Service law, especially concerning:

  • Drafting or assistance in drafting work statutes and regulations, 
  • Access to the Civil Service and career (recruitment, assessment, promotion, mobility, etc.),
  • Disciplinary procedures (assistance in drafting documents, appeal to the supervisory authority, procedure before the Council of State)
  • Leaving office (physical unfitness, unfitness for work, etc.),
  • Financial status,
  • Trade union status.

These various aspects are also dealt with concerning contractual employees

  • Teaching

Litigation and consultations may relate to the drawing up, the legality, the interpretation and the application of the rules concerning the administrative and financial status of the members of teaching staff according to the educational networks and the type of education concerned, such as:

  • defence and assistance in the context of staff recruitment procedures (temporary staff, priority temporary staff or appointed teachers),
  • defence and assistance in the context of disciplinary procedures with regard to members of teaching staff,
  • defence and assistance in the context of admission procedures, enrolment, certificate equivalency, credential recognition, etc.

These various aspects are also dealt with concerning contractual employees

Team members may further assist both the education authorities and the members of teaching staff in civil or criminal, pre-litigation and litigation phases:

  • Salary allowances,
  • Recovery of unduly paid amounts.
  • Police

Police areas, law enforcement agencies and their staff members are subject to specific provisions (Police Office Act of 5 August 1992, Integrated Police Act of 7 December 1998, Act of 13 May 1999 concerning the disciplinary status of the police force employees and officers, “Mammouth” Royal Decree of 30 March 2001, etc.).

The members of the Public & Administrative Law team are familiar with these laws and regulations and can therefore assist both the police areas and police officers in the context of consultations or litigation concerning them (Disciplinary board, Council of State, etc.).

  • Municipal law
    • Municipal by-laws (preparation, interpretation, application, etc.)
    • Setting up of bodies (electoral complaints, incompatibilities, etc.)
    • Operation and powers of bodies
    • Information by the administration
    • Administrative supervision (prior contacts, court proceedings, etc.)
    • Municipal taxation
    • Non-contractual civil liability of the municipality, its elected representatives and its employees
  • Constitutional law

Action for annulment or action for injunction before the Constitutional Court, questions to the Constitutional Court for a preliminary ruling, civil liberties litigation, electoral complaints.