Financial Institutions & Insurance Companies
As Brussels is the capital of Europe, Belgium hosts a large number of financial institutions and insurance companies, both Belgian and foreign.
No entrepreneur, be they Belgian or foreign, can successfully conduct business without cooperating with one or more financial institutions. In addition to securing its financial needs, every company must also insure itself against a variety of risks, which means that no economic sector can operate without contribution from and synergies with financial institutions and insurance companies.
The financial sector is highly regulated, both in terms of financial institutions and insurance companies’ access, but also for the various services and products that they wish to bring to market.
Since its inception our firm has acted tirelessly on behalf of several prominent domestic and foreign financial institutions, as well as insurers and their intermediaries.
In addition to the ever-changing Belgian and European legislation that regulates these matters, we closely monitor the evolution of jurisprudence.
Over the years, elegis has built up a unique experience in these matters, from consulting, contract drafting and mediation, to assistance in legal procedures. We deal with a highly diverse range of subjects, including disputes concerning credit and stock orders, insurance claims, recovery and seizure procedures for credit termination.