+32 3 244 15 60
+32 3 238 41 40

Jan Delanote (°1976, Ostend, Belgium) graduated as Licenciate of Law in 2002 (University of Leuven). He obtained a postgraduate License in Transportation Law in 2003 (Université Libre de Bruxelles). In 2010, he obtained a Master after Master in Business Law (University of Antwerp).

He was admitted to the Antwerp Bar in 2003 and joined elegis in 2013. He has been an assistant lecturer at the University of Leuven, department of Special Contracts, for several years.
Jan Delanote specialises in the areas of transportation, distribution and logistics and the related tax and customs aspects. In addition, he specialises in the management of enterprises, and contract formation between enterprises in both a national and an international perspective. The focus lies on providing the client with customised solutions, both in and outside of procedures.

Jan Delanote is the author of several articles in the domains in which he works.


Publicaties :

Delanote, J., “Laden, lossen en stuwen bij de CMR-vervoersovereenkomst: nieuwe horizonten?”, Limb. Recthsl. 2011, afl. 3, p. 201 – 227.

Delanote, J., “Inrichting van het directiecomité. Benoeming en ontslag van directieleden. Bezoldiging van Directiecomitéleden en hun sociaalrechtelijk statuut”, in CABG, 2014, afl. 5, Larcier, Brussel, 64 p.

Delanote, J., “Een voorbehoud bij het voorbehoud, of hoe cognossementsvoorbehouden omtrent de bekende en onbekende staat en gesteldheid van goederen elkaar raken”, in IHT, 2015, afl. 4, Larcier, Brussel, 402 – 417.

